Brigitte Hart
Sound Artist

Brigitte Hart is an Australian sound artist working across performance and installation. Currently based in London, her practice explores relationships between histories and ecologies, drawing on environmental recordings, voice, the sonic properties of found objects, and often incorporating text and material from archives. Her practice has a focus on urban rivers and waterways, and pays particular attention to their shifting environments, and ways that these familiar spaces can be sonically reimagined.
Brigitte has developed installations, performances, compositions and workshops for: Modern Art Oxford (Art of Noises VIII), Supernormal Festival, CRiSAP (Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice), Wysing Polyphonic x Somerset House Festival, Resonance FM, Soundcamp/Reveil, Struer Tracks Biennial for Sound and Listening, David Roberts Art Foundation, Tate Britain (Women in Revolt! Radical Acts, Contemporary Resonances), Tate Modern and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (Audiosphere. Sound Experimentation 1980-2020). Her work with sound design has been presented at the Venice Biennale Film Festival and Tribeca Film Festival. In 2022, she worked closely with the Shard in London, developing a bespoke composition ‘Sounds of London’ for western Europe’s tallest building, which showcased the many sounds of the ever-changing megalopolis.
Brigitte is currently developing an ongoing series of experiments around the Thames, sound and listening with support from Arts Council England. She is also a member of the London Bulgarian Choir as well as Shortwave Collective, an international artist collective interested in the creative use of radio, gendered education gaps and demystifying technologies.

5:1 (five actions in a monastery, on a hill, on an island in the cyclades),
developed during the Syros Sounding Paths residency, 2018

Fig. 1, Apologies in Advance #12, 2019

Performance response to Helen Frosi's aspects of the morning, Cafe Oto, 2019